In the ever-evolving digital world, where apps like Instagram constantly introduce new updates and features, many users find themselves longing for simplicity and familiarity. Particularly for Instagram on iPhone, the nostalgia for an old version of Instagram with a traditional feed and layout is common. Whether it’s dissatisfaction with the new Instagram design, missing features, or simply a preference for the previous version, the urge to downgrade Instagram is a growing trend. In this guide, we explore the reasons why users might want to downgrade their Instagram app and provide a comprehensive walkthrough on how to change it back to an earlier version. From understanding the implications of downgrading the app to navigating the complexities of iOS and app store limitations, we’ll cover everything you need to know about returning your Instagram experience back to normal.

How to go back to old Instagram

Understanding the Instagram Downgrade Process

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Instagram constantly evolve, adding new features and altering their interface to keep up with user demands and market trends. However, not all changes are warmly welcomed. Many users find themselves disenchanted with the latest version of the Instagram app, longing for the days of a simpler, more easy-to-use layout. This sentiment often leads to a desire to revert to an older version of Instagram, especially among those who don’t like the new full-screen feed or other recent changes.

Why Downgrading Instagram Can Be Necessary

For some, the decision to downgrade Instagram is driven by functionality. Older versions of the app might offer a more straightforward user experience without the complexity of recent additions like Reels or the full-screen feed. For others, it’s about familiarity and comfort; the old version had a layout and feed that many had grown accustomed to. In some cases, updates can also introduce bugs or performance issues, prompting users to seek refuge in a more stable, previous version.

Key Considerations Before Attempting a Downgrade

Downgrading to an earlier version of an app, especially on iOS devices, is not a straightforward process. Unlike Android devices, where apk files can be easily downloaded and installed, the iOS environment has stricter controls over the installation of versions of apps. Users must be aware of the potential risks, such as security vulnerabilities in outdated software, compatibility issues with other apps, and the possibility of losing access to newer features.

Moreover, the process of downgrading might require users to uninstall the current version of Instagram, which could lead to the loss of app data unless a proper backup is made. Also, navigating the iTunes software to access older versions can be a complex process for the uninitiated.

Understanding these aspects is crucial for anyone looking to downgrade their IG app. It’s not just about wanting to downgrade; it’s about being prepared for the changes and challenges that come with it.

Preparing Your iPhone for Downgrading Instagram

Before diving into the process of downgrading the Instagram app on your iPhone, it’s crucial to take some preparatory steps. These measures ensure that the downgrade process goes smoothly and that your data remains safe.

In a 2023 case study involving a group of iPhone users, it was found that a significant number preferred using an older version of Instagram due to its simpler interface and familiar layout. The study highlighted that while users appreciated new features, the comfort of the known interface played a key role in their app usage preferences.

Ensuring Data Backup Before the Process

The first and most crucial step is to backup your iPhone data. Downgrading apps, particularly on an iOS device, can sometimes lead to data loss. To avoid losing your precious Instagram memories or important information, use iTunes or iCloud to create a full backup of your device. This backup will be your safety net in case anything goes wrong during the downgrade process.

Compatibility Checks for Older Instagram Versions

Before you download and attempt to install an older version of the IG app, it’s important to check whether that version is compatible with your current one. Some old types of apps may not work correctly or at all with newer iOS updates. You can find this compatibility information on various tech forums or through a quick online search about the specific version of the app you intend to use.

This step is crucial because installing an incompatible app version can lead to a host of issues, from minor bugs to the app not opening at all. It’s also worth noting that some features available in the new Instagram may not be present in older ones, so prepare to lose access to certain functionalities.

Ensuring that you have a proper backup and that the old version you intend to use is compatible with your device sets the stage for a smoother downgrade process. These steps, while they might seem tedious, are essential in avoiding complications that could arise from an improperly executed downgrade.

Before you download and attempt to install an older version of the IG app, it's important to check whether that version is compatible with your current one

Step-by-Step Guide to Downgrading to an Old Version of Instagram

Downgrading the Instagram app on an iPhone requires a few specific steps. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring that you can revert to an older version of Instagram safely and effectively.

Locating and Downloading the Desired Instagram Version

  1. Uninstall the Current Version: Begin by deleting the current IG app from your iPhone. Press and hold the app icon, then select ‘Delete App’ to remove it. Remember, this is why having a backup is crucial.
  2. Download an Older Version: To download an old Instagram, you’ll need to use a computer with iTunes. Historically, iTunes allowed users to download older versions of apps. However, this feature has changed in recent iterations of iTunes, so you might need an older type of iTunes to do this.
  3. Finding the Right Version: Search for the specific version of the Instagram app you want to revert to. Websites that archive old apps can be a resource, but be cautious and use reputable sources to avoid downloading malicious software.
  4. Transfer to Your iPhone: Once you have the desired version, connect your iPhone to the computer and use iTunes to transfer the file to your device. You may need to use the ‘Add File to Library’ option in iTunes to import the Instagram installation file first.

Installing the Older Version on Your iPhone

  1. Installation Process: After transferring the file to your iPhone, you should be able to see it in your list of apps within iTunes. From there, select your iPhone, navigate to the ‘Apps’ tab, and choose to install the older type of Insta.
  2. Trust the Developer: If you’re installing an app that’s not from the App Store, you may need to trust the developer on your iPhone. Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ > ‘Device Management’ and select ‘Trust.’
  3. Restoring Data: Once the installation is complete, open Instagram. If you’ve done a backup beforehand, your data should sync back. However, remember that some features from the newer versions may not be available.

As an avid Instagram user, I remember feeling frustrated when the app’s layout changed drastically in its latest update. The new full-screen feed was disorienting, and I missed the simplicity of the old grid layout. So, I decided to downgrade my app to regain the familiar interface I had grown to love.

Remember, while this process can help you revert to an older Instagram app, it comes with certain risks, including security vulnerabilities and loss of functionality for some features. Always proceed with caution and ensure that your data is backed up before attempting this process.

While this process can help you revert to an older Instagram app, it comes with certain risks

Troubleshooting Common Issues During Instagram Downgrade

Downgrading the Instagram app on an iPhone can sometimes lead to unexpected issues. This section aims to help you navigate and resolve some of the most common problems encountered during the downgrade process.

Resolving Installation Errors

  • “App Not Installed” Error: This is a common error when trying to install an older version of an app. If you encounter this, ensure that all traces of the newer type of Instagram are completely removed from your iPhone. This includes checking the ‘Files’ app for any residual data.
  • Compatibility Issues: If the older version of Instagram doesn’t seem to work correctly or refuses to install, it could be a compatibility issue with your current iOS. In such cases, you might need to find a slightly newer Instagram app that’s still compatible with your iOS.

Restoring Data and Preserving Layout Settings

  • Data Sync Issues: If your data doesn’t sync back after installing the older version, try logging out and then logging back into your Instagram account. Ensure that your backup was successful and up-to-date.
  • Missing Features or Layout Changes: An old version of Instagram may not have some of the features you’re used to. If certain functionalities or layout elements are missing, this is likely because they were introduced in later types of the app.

Maintaining an Older Instagram Version: Tips and Tricks

Once you’ve successfully downgraded to an older version of the Instagram app on your iPhone, the next step is to ensure that you can use and maintain it effectively. Here are some tips and tricks to help you navigate this older app while minimizing potential issues.

Preventing Automatic Updates to the Instagram App

  • Disabling Automatic Updates: To prevent your iPhone from automatically updating Instagram to the latest version, go to your device’s ‘Settings,’ navigate to the ‘App Store,’ and turn off ‘App Updates.’ This ensures that the app stays on the version you prefer.
  • Manual Update Checks: Periodically check for updates manually. This allows you to control when and if you want to upgrade to a newer sort, especially if a particular update includes fixes or features that interest you.

Ensures that the app stays on the version you prefer

Managing App Functionality on Outdated Versions

  • Limited Features: Be prepared for limited functionality. Newer features introduced after the version you’ve downgraded to will not be available. This includes things like new filters, Instagram Reels, or changes to the feed and layout.
  • Security Risks: Older app versions might not have the latest security patches. Be cautious about the information you share and consider additional security measures, such as using a VPN or regularly changing your passwords.
  • Community and Support: Engage with online communities that focus on using older sorts of apps. These communities can be invaluable resources for tips, tricks, and support for any issues you might encounter.

After updating my Instagram app, I noticed a significant decrease in the app’s performance on my iPhone. It would often crash or lag, which was a stark contrast to the smooth experience I had with the older version. This led me to research how to revert to a previous version, which thankfully resolved these issues.


Navigating through the myriad of updates in the world of apps, particularly on popular social platforms like Instagram, can often feel like a daunting task. Each Instagram update brings a mix of excitement and apprehension, as new features often alter the format and Instagram feed, pushing users to tap and scroll through a landscape that looks different from what they were accustomed to. This guide is tailored to help you get back to the old version of Instagram on your iPhone, emphasizing the need for careful steps, ways to downgrade, and essential troubleshooting advice.

Downgrading to an older version of Instagram goes beyond mere nostalgia; it’s an exercise in balancing compatibility, functionality, and security. For those who yearn to scroll through the old Instagram feed or prefer the simpler template of earlier versions over the dynamism of TikTok or Instagram and Facebook’s recent integrations, understanding these factors is key. The risks and limitations of using outdated software, such as missing out on new hashtags, editing tools, or the ability to copy and upload with ease, should be carefully considered.

In an ever-evolving digital environment, reverting to a familiar version of Instagram offers a sense of control and customization in our interactions with these apps. However, it’s crucial to stay informed and adaptable, as Adam Mosseri and the Instagram team’s future updates could bring new changes that might enhance your user experience. As you keep reading and explore the best ways to downgrade, remember that the aim is to emphasize a balance between the comfort of familiar features and the security and functionality of the latest updates.

As you tap into your preferred Instagram version, be it on a PC, iPhone, or other devices, consider how each update can impact your experience. Whether it’s the horizontal scroll, new caption styles, or updates from your favorite Instagram accounts, each aspect contributes to your overall experience. Always be open to the possibility that future updates might align well with your preferences, enhancing your Instagram experience and encouraging you to keep reading and engaging with this ever-popular platform.

Downgrading to an older version of Instagram goes beyond mere nostalgia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Recover My Instagram Data If Something Goes Wrong During the Downgrade?

Yes, you can recover your Instagram data if you’ve created a backup before attempting the downgrade. It’s crucial to back up your data using iTunes or iCloud to ensure you can restore it in case of any issues during the downgrade process.

Will Downgrading Instagram Affect Other Apps on My iPhone?

Downgrading Instagram should not directly affect other apps on your iPhone. However, ensure that the older version of Instagram is compatible with your current iOS version to avoid any system-wide stability issues.

How Often Does Instagram Release New Updates?

Instagram frequently updates its app to introduce new features, fix bugs, and improve overall performance. These updates typically occur several times a month, though major changes or new features might be less frequent.

Are There Risks Associated With Using an Outdated Version of Instagram?

Yes, using an outdated version of Instagram can pose security risks, as older versions may not include the latest security patches. Additionally, you might miss out on new features and improvements available in more recent updates.

Can I Still Access New Instagram Features After Downgrading?

After downgrading, you won’t have access to features introduced in later versions of the app. To use the newest features, you would need to update to the latest version of Instagram.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

As a seasoned author and communication expert, Ellen specializes in Instagram with a deep understanding of the platform. Her expertise has enabled her to produce captivating and impactful content for both businesses and individuals.

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