In the visually driven world of social media, infographics have emerged as a powerful tool to convey complex information in an engaging and easily digestible format. Especially on platforms like Instagram, where visual content is king, crafting an effective Instagram infographic can significantly enhance your brand’s digital marketing efforts. Whether you’re aiming to increase brand awareness, engage your followers, or get more followers, mastering the art of creating infographics for Instagram is key.

Infographics are particularly effective in the Instagram carousel post format, allowing you to tell a story or present data across multiple slides seamlessly. With tools like Canva, known for its user-friendly infographic templates and design tools, creating eye-catching and informative posts has never been easier. This guide will delve into the essentials of infographic design, from selecting the perfect template to breaking down complex data into visual content like graphs, pie charts, and animation. Whether you’re designing a simple infographic or a more detailed data visualization, we’ll explore the strategies to make your infographic both easy to read and engaging.

By the end of this guide, you’ll learn how to create compelling infographics that not only tell a story but also boost your overall engagement on this bustling social media platform. So, let’s dive in and start designing infographics that will transform your Instagram feed and amplify your online presence!

How to make infographics for instagram

Understanding the Power of Infographics on Instagram

In today’s fast-paced digital marketing landscape, infographics have become a crucial tool. Their ability to simplify complex information and present it in a visually appealing manner makes them ideal for platforms like Instagram. But why are infographics on Instagram so powerful? Let’s explore.

The Importance of Infographics in Digital Marketing

Infographics combine graphic design, data visualization, and concise copywriting to convey messages quickly and memorably. In a world where the average consumer’s attention span is short, this visual format stands out. For brands, this means an opportunity to communicate key messages, facts and figures about their products or services, and industry insights in an easy-to-digest and visually appealing manner. Infographics are not just a means of sharing information; they are a strategic tool for brand awareness and engagement.

What Makes Instagram Infographics Stand Out?

Instagram’s visual-centric platform is the perfect stage for infographics. Unlike text-heavy platforms, Instagram’s focus on visuals makes it easier for users to process and engage with complex information. Instagram infographics are particularly effective because they can be tailored to the platform’s unique format, like carousel posts, allowing for storytelling and detailed explanations across multiple slides.

Moreover, Instagram’s diverse user base provides a wide audience for your content. Whether you’re a small business, an online business, or an individual looking to increase engagement, infographics can help you stand out. They are a great way to make complex data relatable and shareable, leading to higher engagement rates. When designed thoughtfully, using consistent brand colors and an engaging font, an infographic can become a memorable part of your Instagram content strategy.

In summary, harnessing the power of infographics on Instagram not only elevates your brand’s digital marketing efforts but also helps to engage your followers in a meaningful way. As we move forward, we’ll dive into how to get started with infographic templates and the role of Canva in simplifying this process.

As a small business owner, I was struggling to engage my audience on Instagram. Once I started using Canva to create infographics, I saw a significant increase in engagement. My posts became more informative and visually appealing, leading to higher interaction and follower growth.

Getting Started with Infographic Templates

Embarking on the journey of creating an Instagram infographic can be daunting, especially if you’re new to the world of graphic design. Thankfully, the use of infographic templates has made this process much more accessible. Let’s delve into how to choose the right template and leverage tools like Canva for your designs.

Choosing the Right Infographic Template

The first step in creating an engaging Instagram post is selecting an appropriate infographic template. Templates provide a structured layout that you can customize to fit your brand and message. When choosing a template, consider the type of information you want to convey. Are you looking to create a simple infographic or something more detailed with graphs and data visualization? Different types of infographics are suited for different kinds of data and storytelling styles.

Furthermore, the aesthetic of the template should align with your brand identity. Consistent use of brand colors, fonts, and style helps in building brand recognition. Platforms like Canva offer a wide range of professionally designed templates, making it easy to create stunning graphics that resonate with your audience.

Canva’s Role in Simplifying Infographic Creation

Canva has revolutionized the process of creating infographics, especially for users without a background in graphic design. With its user-friendly interface, a vast library of templates, and drag-and-drop features, Canva makes it easy to design an infographic. Whether you’re aiming to create an infographic from scratch or modify an existing template, Canva’s tools are intuitive and versatile.

Additionally, Canva’s integration with social media platforms makes it a go-to tool for creating Instagram infographics. You can tailor your designs specifically for Instagram’s format, be it a single image or a carousel post. Canva also offers the flexibility to use your own data, images, and elements, enabling you to create a unique and personalized infographic.

The right template and tools can significantly streamline the process of creating engaging infographics for Instagram. As you become more comfortable with these tools, you’ll find that they offer endless possibilities to tell a story and engage your followers in creative ways. Up next, we will dive into the intricacies of designing an engaging Instagram infographic.

Infographics are becoming increasingly popular, with 60% of businesses using them in their content strategy. They are particularly effective on Instagram and LinkedIn, where 55% of marketers prefer them over other visual media​.

Canva has revolutionized the process of creating infographics, especially for users without a background in graphic design.

Designing an Engaging Instagram Infographic

Creating an Instagram infographic that captures attention and conveys your message effectively involves thoughtful design and strategic content placement. Here’s how to craft an infographic that not only looks good but also communicates your message effectively.

Crafting Compelling Infographic Content

The key to a successful infographic is its content. Start by determining the main message or story you want to convey. Keep your target audience in mind – what information will they find valuable or engaging? Ensure your content is factual, up-to-date, and relevant. This might involve incorporating data visualization, graphs, or even pie charts to make the data more accessible.

Your infographic design should be more than just aesthetically pleasing; it should make the information easy to read and understand. Use eye-catching elements and visual content to draw viewers in. However, it’s essential not to overwhelm your audience with too much information. Striking the right balance between informative and engaging is crucial.

In my role as a digital marketer, I’ve found that Instagram infographics are incredibly effective in explaining complex data. By breaking down our analytics data into easy-to-understand infographics, we’ve been able to communicate our success stories to clients in a more compelling way.

Breaking Your Infographic into Sections for Clarity

One effective way to ensure your Instagram infographic is engaging and not overwhelming is to break it down into sections. This is particularly useful in an Instagram carousel post, where each slide can focus on a different aspect of your message. Sections help organize information, making it easier for viewers to process and remember.

When dividing your infographic, consider using headers or color-coding to distinguish different sections. This not only adds to the visual appeal but also guides the viewer through your content logically. Each section should flow seamlessly into the next, creating a cohesive narrative that reinforces your overall message.

Remember, your goal is to create a good infographic that is both informative and visually appealing. By focusing on clear, concise content and a structured layout, you can create an Instagram infographic that stands out in a crowded feed, engages your followers, and boosts your overall engagement.

This approach allows you to tailor every element to your specific brand and message

Advanced Techniques: Creating an Infographic from Scratch

For those looking to take their infographic design skills to the next level, creating an infographic from scratch offers a world of creative freedom. This approach allows you to tailor every element to your specific brand and message. Here’s how you can start this exciting process.

Steps to Make Your Own Infographic

  1. Define Your Objective: Begin by understanding the purpose of your infographic. Are you looking to educate, inform, or persuade? This clarity will guide your design decisions.
  2. Gather Your Data: Collect the information, facts and figures, or data you want to include. Ensure it’s relevant, accurate, and aligns with your objective.
  3. Sketch a Rough Layout: Before jumping into a design tool like Canva, sketch a basic layout on paper. This helps you visualize how to organize the information effectively.
  4. Choose a Color Scheme and Fonts: Select colors and fonts that reflect your brand identity and enhance readability. Remember, the goal is to make the infographic easy to read and visually engaging.
  5. Add Graphics and Visuals: Use graphics, icons, and visuals to represent your data. Tools like Canva offer a vast library of elements that can bring your data to life.
  6. Assemble and Refine: Put together your elements in Canva or another infographic maker. Arrange them for flow and balance. Don’t hesitate to tweak and adjust until it feels just right.

Incorporating Multiple Photos in a Simple Infographic

Photos can add a real-world context to your infographic, making it more relatable and engaging. When incorporating photos, ensure they complement, not clutter, your design. In a simple infographic, each photo should serve a clear purpose, such as illustrating a point or demonstrating a trend.

Also, consider the format of your infographic, especially if it’s for an Instagram post. If it’s a carousel post, you can spread photos across different slides for a more dynamic presentation. Always maintain a balance between imagery and text to keep the infographic cohesive and focused.

Creating an infographic from scratch can be a rewarding process. It allows for full creative control and the opportunity to produce a truly unique and compelling infographic that resonates with your audience.

Regarding visual content, original graphics like infographics perform best, with an 82% increase in reader attention span and comprehensibility​.

Creating an infographic from scratch can be a rewarding process.

Maximizing Engagement with Your Infographics

After crafting your Instagram infographic, the next crucial step is to ensure it reaches and resonates with your audience. Here’s how to maximize engagement and make your infographic a hit on this popular social media platform.

Transforming a Standard Instagram Post with Infographics

Infographics have the power to transform a regular Instagram post into something more engaging and informative. When sharing your infographic:

  1. Optimize for Instagram’s Format: Ensure your infographic fits well within Instagram’s image dimensions. If it’s a carousel post, check that each slide is clear and visually cohesive.
  2. Write a Compelling Caption: Accompany your infographic with an engaging caption that provides context or invites discussion. Don’t forget to include relevant hashtags to increase visibility.
  3. Use a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA): Encourage your followers to engage with your post. This could be an invitation to comment, share, or visit a link in your bio.

Tips to Create Compelling Infographics for Instagram

  1. Focus on a Clear Message: Your infographic should have a clear, central message that’s easy for your audience to grasp.
  2. Keep It Visually Simple and Appealing: Avoid cluttering your infographic with too much information. Use whitespace effectively and ensure it’s easy to read.
  3. Incorporate Branding Elements: Consistently use your brand’s colors, fonts, and style to increase brand recognition.
  4. Engage with Animation: Animated elements can make your infographic more dynamic and eye-catching.
  5. Update Regularly: Keep your infographics fresh and relevant. Updating your content regularly can help maintain follower interest and engagement.

By following these strategies, you can ensure that your infographics on Instagram not only look great but also effectively engage your audience. Remember, the goal is to share valuable information in a way that’s both informative and visually captivating.

In a practical application, Strava, a running app, effectively utilized Instagram to share an impressive infographic with key figures on its users’ progress in 2021. Their approach involved using static graphics, yet dynamically presenting data with different visual elements like arrows, making it engaging and informative​ (VistaCreate)​.

Engage your followers and enhance your overall digital marketing strategy


In the realm of Instagram, leveraging infographics is more than just a trend—it’s a strategic approach to convey complex information in a visually engaging manner. As we’ve explored, whether you’re using a template or creating an infographic from scratch, the key lies in crafting content that is both informative and visually appealing. Canva and similar tools have made it incredibly accessible to design an infographic that resonates with your audience.

Remember, the ultimate goal of your Instagram infographic is to engage your followers and enhance your overall digital marketing strategy. By breaking down complex data into easy-to-understand visuals, focusing on a clear message, and maintaining your brand’s aesthetic, you can transform your Instagram feed into a captivating and informative space.

We encourage you to start designing your own infographics for Instagram and witness the difference it makes in your social media engagement and brand awareness. With creativity and strategic design, your infographics will not only educate but also inspire your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Key Steps to Make an Engaging Infographic for Instagram?

Making an engaging infographic for Instagram involves several key steps. Start by defining your goal and gathering relevant data or information. Use Canva to choose an infographic template that aligns with your brand, and customize it with graphics, colors, and fonts. Focus on creating content that’s easy to digest and visually appealing. Remember, a well-designed infographic should tell a story and not overwhelm the viewer.

How Can I Use Canva Effectively for Instagram Infographics?

Canva is a versatile tool for creating Instagram infographics. To use it effectively, explore its range of infographic templates and customization options. Utilize Canva’s drag-and-drop features to add elements like graphs and icons. Take advantage of its library of images and fonts to give your infographic a unique touch. Canva also allows you to tailor your designs to Instagram’s format, making it ideal for social media content.

Are There Any Specific Types of Infographics That Work Best on Instagram?

On Instagram, carousel posts and single-slide infographics are quite effective. Carousel posts allow you to break down complex information into digestible parts, while single-slide infographics are great for conveying a concise message. The type of infographic you choose should depend on the amount and complexity of the information you want to share. Both types should be visually engaging and align with your overall content strategy.

Can I Create Facebook Posts Using Instagram Infographic Templates?

Absolutely! Infographic templates designed for Instagram can often be repurposed for Facebook posts. While the dimensions might differ slightly, most design elements and layouts can be easily adapted. This cross-platform approach can save time and maintain consistency in your visual branding across different social media platforms.

What Should Be the Last Slide of an Instagram Carousel Post Infographic?

The last slide of an Instagram carousel post infographic should ideally include a call-to-action (CTA) or a concluding statement. This slide can encourage viewers to engage with your post – be it liking, commenting, or visiting a link in your bio. It’s also an opportunity to reinforce your message and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

As a seasoned author and communication expert, Ellen specializes in Instagram with a deep understanding of the platform. Her expertise has enabled her to produce captivating and impactful content for both businesses and individuals.

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