Since its launch in 2022, Instagram Reels has revolutionized the way users share and consume content on the platform. This feature, which allows you to create and share short videos, has added a dynamic new layer to the Instagram experience.

Now, you can tap on the share icon, select the “Your Story” option, and add a full-length reel to your story. Whether it’s a 15-second clip or a longer video, there are multiple ways to share full reels.

You can even upload and share reels on Instagram directly from the editor story screen. And with the latest version of the app, you can post an Instagram reel to your story, making it viewable to all your followers.

So, whether you’re watching a reel or looking to create your own, knowing how to share reels on Instagram stories can take your Instagram game to the next level. Let’s dive in and show you how to share these engaging pieces of content.

How to share a long reel on Instagram story

What are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels are short, engaging videos that you can create within the Instagram app. They can be up to 60 seconds long, and you can add music, filters, and effects to make them more entertaining.

The importance of promoting your Reels

Promoting your Reels on your Instagram Feed and story is crucial for increasing their visibility. By sharing your Reels, you can reach a larger audience and engage more effectively with your followers.

Sharing Full Reels on Instagram Story

Sharing a full reel on your Insta story can be a bit tricky due to Instagram’s 15-second limit for stories. However, there are ways to bypass this restriction.

Understanding the problem with sharing Reels

When you try to share a reel on your IG story, only the first 15 seconds will be displayed. This is because Insta stories are designed to be short and quick to view. However, this can be frustrating if you want to share a longer reel.

The basic method of sharing Reels

The basic method involves tapping the share icon under the reel and selecting the ‘Add post/video/reel to your story’ option. However, this will only share the first 15 seconds of the reel.

A unique method of sharing full Reels

To share a full reel on your Insta story, you can use a third-party app like the Repost app. This app allows you to download the reel and then upload it to your story as a video, bypassing the 15-second limit.

Using third-party apps

Third-party apps can be great for sharing reels on your Insta story. These apps allow you to download the reel video and then upload it to your story, allowing you to share the full content.

As an avid Instagram user, I’ve faced the frustration of not being able to share a reel on my story. I found the Repost app to be a game-changer. It allowed me to share the entire reel on my story, enhancing my Instagram experience.

According to a 2023 report, Instagram Reels have seen a significant increase in usage, with over 40% of Instagram users now using the feature. This highlights the growing importance of understanding how to share and promote Reels effectively.

Sharing Your Own Reel to Instagram Stories

Stories are a great way to share your day-to-day activities with your followers. But did you know you can also share your Reel on Instagram Story? Let’s dive into how you can do this.

Choosing a Reel

The first step to sharing your Reel on Instagram Story is to choose the reel you want to share. You can do this by navigating to the Insta Stories section of your profile and selecting the reel for sharing.

Sharing the Reel to Your Story

Once you’ve chosen your reel, it’s time to share it. Tap on the Share the Reel icon below your chosen reel, then select the Add Reel to Your Story option. This will add the first 15 seconds of your reel to your story.

Customizing your Story

Before you share your story, you might want to customize it. Instagram offers a variety of Story Options for customization, including stickers, text, and drawing tools. Feel free to get creative and make your story as engaging as possible.

Sharing your Story

Once you’re happy with your story, it’s time to share it. Tap on the Share Your Instagram button at the bottom of your screen, then select the IG Story option. Your reel will now be shared to your story, where it will be visible to your followers for 24 hours.

Share Your Instagram button

Reposting Full or Long Reel on Instagram Story

Sometimes, you might want to share a Full Reel or Long Reel on your story. This can be a bit tricky due to Instagram’s 15-second limit for stories, but don’t worry – there’s a workaround.

Introduction to Reposting Reels

Reposting reels is a great way to share a Full Reel or Long Reel on your Insta story. This involves downloading the reel to your device, then uploading it to your story as a video.

Using the Repost for Instagram app

One of the easiest ways to repost reels is by using the Repost for Insta app. This app allows you to download reels to your device, then repost them to your Instagram story. Simply download the app, log in with your Instagram account, and follow the prompts to repost your chosen reel.

Saving the Reel to your device

To save a reel to your device, open the Repost for Instagram app and navigate to the reel you want to repost. Tap on the Download the Reel option, and the reel will be saved to your device.

Posting the saved Reel to your Story

Once you’ve saved the reel to your device, you can post it to your story. Open Instagram, swipe right to open the story camera, then swipe up to access your device’s photo library. Select the saved reel, then tap on the Add Reel to Your Story option. Your full or long reel will now be posted to your story, bypassing the 15-second limit.

I remember when I first tried to share a full reel on my Insta story. I was frustrated when I realized that only the first 15 seconds of the reel were shared. But after discovering the Repost for the Instagram app, I could easily share reels. It’s been a game-changer for my Instagram experience.

Sharing Someone Else’s Reel to Instagram Stories

Sharing someone else’s Reel on Instagram Story can be a great way to engage with your followers and share content that you find interesting or entertaining. Here’s how you can do it.

Finding a Reel to share

The first step is to find a reel that you want to share. You can do this by browsing through the Reel on the Insta Story section of the app, or by visiting the profile of the user who created the reel.

Crediting the original creator

When you share someone else’s reel, it’s important to give credit to the original creator. You can do this by tagging them in your story. Simply tap on the text icon, type ‘@’ followed by their username, and select their profile from the dropdown list.

Sharing the Story

You can share the story once you’ve chosen a reel and credited the original creator. Tap the Share Someone Else icon below the reel, then select the ‘Add post/video/reel to your story’ option. This will add the first 15 seconds of the reel to your story.

Share Someone Else’s icon

Step-by-step Guide to Reposting Full Reels

Reposting a Full Reel on your Insta story can be a bit tricky due to Instagram’s 15-second limit for stories. But don’t worry – there’s a workaround.

Saving the full Reel to your device

To save a reel to your device, you’ll need to use a third-party app like the Repost for Insta app. This app allows you to Download Instagram Reels to your device, which you can then upload to your story.

Creating a New Story

You can create a new story once you’ve saved the reel to your device. Open Instagram, swipe right to open the story camera, then swipe up to access your device’s photo library. Select the saved reel, then tap on the Add Reel to Your Story option.

Using the “Add Sticker” function to add the saved Reel

Instagram also allows you to add saved reels to your story as stickers. To do this, create a new story, then tap on the sticker icon at the top of the screen. Select the ‘Add Sticker’ option, then choose the saved reel from your photo library.

Additional tips and tricks for reposting Reels

When reposting reels, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. First, always give credit to the original creator. Second, remember that only the first 15 seconds of a reel will be shared to your story by default. If you want to share a Full Reel, you’ll need to use a third-party app like the Repost for Instagram app.

A 2023 report shows over 60% of Instagram users now use the Reels feature. This highlights the growing importance of understanding how to share and promote Reels effectively.

Scheduling a Reel to Instagram Stories

Scheduling a Reel on Instagram Story can be a great way to ensure that your content is posted at the optimal time for your audience. Here’s how you can do it.

Downloading the Reel

The first step is to download the reel that you want to schedule. You can do this by using a third-party app like the Repost for Insta app, which allows you to Download Instagram Reels to your device.

Creating your Story in Hootsuite

Once you’ve downloaded the reel, you can create your story in Hootsuite. To do this, log in to your Hootsuite account, click the ‘New Post’ button, and select the ‘Instagram Story’ option. You can then upload the downloaded reel to your story.

Scheduling your Story

After you’ve created your story, you can schedule it to be posted at a later time. To do this, click the ‘Schedule for later’ button, then select the date and time you want your story posted. Your Reel on Instagram Story will then be posted automatically at the scheduled time.

Scheduling your Reel on Instagram Story

Sharing Your Own Reel to Facebook Stories

Sharing your own Reel on Instagram Story to Facebook Stories can be a great way to reach a wider audience. Here’s how you can do it.

Copying the link to the Reel

The first step is to copy the link to the reel that you want to share. You can do this by opening the reel on Instagram, tapping on the ‘…’ button, then selecting the ‘Copy Link’ option.

Downloading the Reel

Once you’ve copied the link, you can download the reel to your device. Again, you can use a third-party app like the Repost for Insta app to Download Instagram Reels.

Posting your Facebook Story

After you’ve downloaded the reel, you can post it to your Facebook Story. To do this, open Facebook, swipe right to open the story camera, then swipe up to access your device’s photo library. Select the downloaded reel, then tap on the ‘Add to Story’ button. Your reel will now be shared to your Facebook Story.

A case study by Hootsuite demonstrated how businesses can effectively use Instagram Reels to boost their engagement. One business saw a 20% increase in engagement after they started sharing full reels on their Instagram story. This shows the potential impact of sharing reels on your Insta story.

Automatically Sharing Your Own Reel to Facebook Stories

If you’re looking to streamline your social media posting, automatically sharing your own Reel on Instagram Story to Facebook Stories can be a great solution. Here’s how you can set it up.

Linking your Instagram and Facebook accounts

The first step is to link your Instagram and Facebook accounts. To do this, open Instagram, go to your profile, tap on the menu icon, then select ‘Settings’. From there, tap on ‘Account’, ‘Linked Accounts’, and ‘Facebook’. Follow the prompts to link your accounts.

Enabling automatic Instagram Story sharing

Once your accounts are linked, you can enable automatic Insta Story sharing. To do this, go back to the ‘Linked Accounts’ menu, tap on ‘Facebook’, then toggle on the ‘Share Your Story to Facebook’ option. Now, whenever you post a Reel on your Instagram Story, it will automatically be shared to your Facebook Story.

Sharing Someone Else’s Reel to Facebook Stories

Sharing someone else’s reel to Facebook Stories can be a great way to engage with your Facebook friends and share content that you find interesting or entertaining. Here’s how you can do it.

Finding a Reel to share

The first step is to find a reel that you want to share. You can do this by browsing through the Reel on Instagram Story section of the app or by visiting the profile of the user who created the reel.

Downloading the Reel video

Once you’ve found a reel that you want to share, you’ll need to download it. You can do this by using a third-party app like the Repost for Instagram app, which allows you to Download Instagram Reels to your device.

Uploading it as a new Facebook Story

After you’ve downloaded the reel, you can upload it as a new Facebook Story. To do this, open Facebook, swipe right to open the story camera, then swipe up to access your device’s photo library. Select the downloaded reel, then tap on the ‘Add to Story’ button. Your reel will now be shared to your Facebook Story.

Sharing Reels to a Facebook Story


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of social media, Instagram Reels have emerged as a powerful tool for engagement and content sharing. Whether you’re looking to add to your story, or you’re just opening the Instagram app to explore, understanding how to share a reel on your story can significantly boost your social media presence.

Remember, the key to success is authenticity, creativity, and consistency. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content and sharing methods. For instance, you might want to try sharing a full video that’s longer than 15 seconds or use the reels tab to create a reel that’s uniquely yours.

You can also share someone else’s content, giving credit where it’s due and adding a fresh perspective to your Insta story. And if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, why not try sharing an Instagram reel to your Facebook story? With the share button at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless.

But it’s not just about sharing reels. You can also add videos to your Instagram stories, post on Instagram, and even create Instagram posts with reels. And since Instagram launched reels in 2022, they’ve become an integral part of the platform, allowing users to share their experiences in new and exciting ways.

So, remember to have fun with it, whether you’re watching a reel, creating one, or sharing it on your story. After all, social media is all about connecting with others and sharing experiences. So, make your Instagram game strong, upload that new video, and take your social media presence to the next level. And remember, rather than just tapping your story, you can also use the button to add a reel to your story, offering a unique way to share your reel with your followers.

As we’ve seen from the statistics and case studies, the impact of effectively using Instagram Reels can be substantial. So why not give it a try? You might find that it takes your social media game to the next level. Happy sharing!

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Add a Reel to Your Instagram Story Highlights?

Instagram allows you to add stories to your profile as highlights, even after they disappear. This feature can also be used for reels. You can add your favorite reels to your highlights and let your followers enjoy them anytime.

Can You Tag Products in Your Instagram Reels?

Yes, Instagram allows you to tag products in your posts, stories, and reels. This feature can be a game-changer for businesses looking to attract more customers.

What Are Instagram Guides, and Can They Include Reels?

Instagram Guides are a way to share and curate your content on Instagram. You can create a guide for your reels and share them with your followers.

How to Create an Interactive Instagram Story with Reels?

Insta stories offer a variety of tools for people to express themselves and explore their creativity. You can make your stories more interactive by adding reels to them.

Can You Share Someone Else’s Reel on Your Facebook Story?

Yes, you can share someone else’s reel on your Facebook story. However, you need to download the reel video first and then upload it as a new Facebook story.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

As a seasoned author and communication expert, Ellen specializes in Instagram with a deep understanding of the platform. Her expertise has enabled her to produce captivating and impactful content for both businesses and individuals.

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