Ever pondered over the question, “how many people saved your Instagram post?” Or perhaps you’ve asked yourself, “how many times this post has been saved?” If so, you’re not alone. Instagram Saves and Shares have become a crucial part of the social media strategy for brands and influencers alike.

Instagram Saves and Shares are more than just a feature; they’re a powerful tool that can amplify your online presence and engagement. But how do they work? And why should you care? Let’s dive in and find out.

With Instagram’s bookmark icon, users can save a post to view later, and with the stories icon, they can share your content with their followers. But the real magic happens behind the scenes in Instagram Insights. Here, you can view insight into how many users have saved your post or how many times your post has been saved.

But remember, there’s no way to see who specifically saved your post. However, you can see the number of people who have saved it, which can provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences.

So, are you ready to dive into the world of Instagram Saves and Shares? Let’s explore this feature and discover how it can transform your Instagram strategy, whether you’re a business Instagram account, a professional Instagram account, or just an individual looking to boost your online presence. Let’s get started!

How to Find Out Who Saved Your Instagram Post

Understanding Instagram Saves and Shares

Instagram is a platform where you can share your life’s moments through pictures and videos. But did you know that you can also save posts that you find interesting? Yes, that’s right! Instagram has a feature that allows users to save posts for later viewing.

But here’s the catch: these Instagram Saves and Shares are private. That means only you can see what you’ve saved. It’s like having a personal collection of posts that you love or find useful.

Importance of Instagram Saves and Shares

Now, you might be wondering, “What’s the big deal about Instagram Saves and Shares?” Well, they play a significant role in Instagram’s algorithm. The more a post is saved and shared, the more it signals to Instagram that the content is valuable. This can increase the post’s visibility and engagement.

But that’s not all. Instagram Saves and Shares also impact your post’s performance. The more your post is saved and shared, the higher it ranks in your followers’ feeds. So, if you’re looking to boost your Instagram game, focusing on increasing your Saves and Shares is a good start.

Creating Save-Worthy and Share-Worthy Content

The art of creating content that users will want to save and share on Instagram is a delicate balance. It’s not just about posting visually appealing images; it’s about delivering value. Whether it’s a practical tip, a motivational quote, or a humorous meme, your content should strike a chord with your audience, prompting them to hit that save or share button.

The secret to crafting save-worthy and share-worthy content lies in its meaningfulness and relevance. Ask yourself, “Would I save or share this post?” If the answer is yes, then you’re on the right path.

As an influencer, I observed a significant uptick in my post engagement when I began to curate content that my followers found worth saving. I incorporated more educational and inspirational content into my posts, and I noticed that these posts were saved more often than my usual content. This is a testament to the power of understanding how many people saved your post, and using that insight to tailor your content strategy.

Remember, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, and every save or share increases your visibility. So, next time you post, think about how you can make your content more save-worthy. You’ll see the results in your Instagram Insights, and more importantly, in your growing engagement and follower count.

Tracking Instagram Saves and Shares of a Post on Instagram

Keeping track of your Instagram Saves and Shares is crucial for understanding your audience’s behavior. But how do you do it? It’s simple: through Instagram Insights. This feature provides you with data about your post’s performance, including the number of saves and shares it has received.

By tracking your Instagram Saves and Shares, you can gain valuable insights into what type of content your audience finds most engaging. This can help you refine your content strategy and create more of what your audience loves.

I run a small business and use Instagram to promote my products. I started tracking my Instagram Saves using Instagram Insights and noticed that my posts with product tutorials and how-to guides were getting saved the most. This insight helped me understand what type of content my followers find most valuable, and I’ve since adjusted my content strategy to focus more on educational content.

Track your Instagram Saves and Shares

Leveraging Instagram Saves and Shares for Growth

Instagram Saves and Shares are more than just numbers; they’re opportunities for growth. By strategically increasing your posts’ number of saves and shares, you can boost your engagement, reach a wider audience, and even attract new followers.

But how do you do it? You can use several strategies, from creating engaging content to running contests to encouraging your followers to save and share your posts. Remember, the goal is not just to get more saves and shares, but to use them to fuel your overall Instagram strategy.

In 2023, Instagram reached two billion active users and is on track to reach 2.5 billion this year. Almost half of all Instagram users are in the Asia-Pacific region, with India and Indonesia two of the five largest markets in terms of active users.

The 2023 Instagram Trend Report was produced alongside a sweeping study of Gen Z users across Instagram. Created in partnership with WGSN during October 2022, Instagram measured the topics, issues, and trends that matter most to teens across the platform. The report covers topics like fashion, beauty, web3, dating, and more. At the heart of it all is community and connection. This case study shows how Instagram is not just a platform for sharing photos and videos, but also a platform for cultural and social trends.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Posts

Did you know that you can target people who saved your Instagram posts with Facebook Ads? Yes, you read that right! By creating a custom audience of people who have saved your posts, you can increase your ad’s effectiveness and reach people who are already interested in your content.

This strategy can be a game-changer for your Instagram marketing. So, if you’re looking to take your Instagram game to the next level, don’t overlook the power of Instagram Saves and Shares.

Instagram generated an estimated $5.14 billion revenue in 2022, accounting for almost 45% of Facebook’s total revenue. Over two billion people use Instagram once a month, making it the fourth most popular social app worldwide. Instagram’s biggest market in terms of users is India, with over 300 million active users. Over 70% of Instagram users are under 35 years old.

How to See Who Saved Your Instagram Posts

How to Ask Your Followers If They’ve Saved Your Instagram Posts

While Instagram does not directly show who saved your posts, you can ask your followers through an Instagram Story. Here’s how:

  1. Begin by selecting the post you wish to inquire your followers about.
  2. Capture a screenshot of the Instagram post’s page.
  3. Press the Home icon to navigate back to your primary Instagram feed. Initiate a new Insta Story by tapping the Stories icon (resembling a camera) located in the top left corner.
  4. Swipe upwards to locate the screenshot of your Instagram post.
  5. Select the screenshot image to incorporate it into your Story.
  6. Use the Text icon to append a message for your followers, something along the lines of “Who saved this post?”
  7. Once you’re satisfied, tap Done.
  8. To reduce the text size, pinch the screen; to magnify it, spread two fingers apart.
  9. Finally, tap Your Stories to broadcast the story to your followers. They will have the option to respond via a direct message.

How to See How Many Times Your Post Has Been Saved

In case you’re operating a Personal account, the initial step is to convert it into a Business or Creator account at no cost. To do this, navigate to Settings > Account and opt for either ‘Switch to Business Account’ or ‘Switch to Creator Account’. Simply follow the instructions provided to finalize the transition. After that:

  1. Press the Profile icon, resembling a silhouette, to access your posts.
  2. Select the post for which you wish to see the save count.
  3. Underneath the image or video, tap on View Insights. This will display a range of statistics.
  4. The symbol of a bookmark indicates the number of times this post has been saved to someone’s Collections.

Monitoring who saves your Instagram posts can hold greater significance than merely counting the number of likes. This is because when a user saves your post to their Instagram Collection, it indicates that they appreciate your content and wish to share it or revisit it in the future. However, there’s no way to see who saved your Instagram posts or to what collections due to privacy reasons.

How many people have saved your post


In conclusion, Instagram Saves and Shares are not just features; they’re powerful tools that can significantly boost your online presence, engagement, and growth. By understanding their importance, tracking their performance, and leveraging them for growth, you can take your Instagram game to the next level.

If you’ve ever wondered, “see who saved your Instagram post,” or “how many people have saved your post,” you’re not alone. These metrics are crucial for any Instagram account, whether it’s a personal account, a business account, or a creator account. They provide valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, helping you create more engaging and share-worthy content.

The way to see who saved your post or how many times your post has been saved is through Instagram Insights. This feature provides a wealth of data, including the number of saves and shares your post has received, the number of users who have saved your post, and more. By using the save feature and tracking these metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your audience and refine your content strategy.

But remember, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about creating meaningful connections with your audience. So, whether you’re posting on Instagram, sharing a new Insta story, or engaging with your followers through direct messages, always strive to provide value and create content that resonates with your audience.

And don’t forget, there’s no direct way to see who specifically saved your post. But by switching to a business or creator account, you can access Instagram Insights and see the number of times your post has been saved, which can be a valuable metric in understanding how your content is resonating with your audience.

So, are you ready to leverage Instagram Saves and Shares for growth? We bet you are! With these insights and strategies, you’re well on your way to becoming an Instagram pro. So go ahead, post that Instagram story, save that post, and watch your engagement soar!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Organize the Posts I Save on Instagram?

Instagram allows you to create collections to organize the posts you save. This feature can help you categorize your saved posts according to your preferences, making it easier to find them later. Remember, only you can see the posts you’ve saved.

Do Instagram Saves Influence the Explore Page?

Yes, the actions predicted in Explore include likes, saves, and shares. Instagram’s Explore page is designed to help you discover new things, and the more a post is saved or shared, the more likely it is to appear on the Explore page.

What Are Content Interactions on Instagram?

Content interactions refer to the actions people take when they engage with your content. These include likes, comments, saves, shares, and replies. Tracking these interactions can give you valuable insights into how your audience is engaging with your content.

How Do Instagram Saves Compare to Likes?

Some experts believe that saves could potentially help your Instagram posts reach more people than likes. This is because Instagram’s algorithm may interpret a save as a stronger indicator of interest than a like.

How can you see posts you’ve previously liked on Instagram?

To access the posts you’ve previously given a thumbs-up on Instagram, start by tapping on your profile picture within the app. Next, hit the menu symbol (represented by three horizontal lines), navigate to Settings, then Account, and finally, select ‘Posts You’ve Liked’. Please note, you can only revisit the last 300 posts that have received your like.

How do you view archived posts on Instagram?

To view your archived posts, tap your profile icon, then the three-line menu icon. Select Archive and choose the type of content you want to view (Posts, Stories, Live Videos).

How do you repost an Instagram story?

In order to share an Instagram story again, you need to click on the paper plane icon situated beneath the post and then choose ‘Add post to your story’. However, this function is only available if the original account is set to public and enables sharing posts or stories.

How Can I Create an Instagram Guide?

Instagram Guides are a way to share and curate content on Instagram. You can create a Guide by tapping the plus icon on the top-right of your profile page and following the prompts. Guides can include your own posts or the posts of others, and they can be a great way to provide value to your audience and increase your saves and shares.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

As a seasoned author and communication expert, Ellen specializes in Instagram with a deep understanding of the platform. Her expertise has enabled her to produce captivating and impactful content for both businesses and individuals.

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