Ever found yourself in a pickle trying to add music to an Instagram story, only to be bombarded with unwanted lyrics or logos? You’re not alone. Many Instagram users share this struggle. But fret not, we’re here to help you put music to Instagram stories without the unnecessary extras, making your stories more personalized and engaging. This guide’ll show you how to add music to your Insta stories sans lyrics or logos. Whether you’re looking to create a story with a catchy tune or a soothing melody, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and learn how to add music to your Stories to truly reflect your style and story.

How to Add Music to an Instagram Story Without Lyrics or Stickers

How to Add Music to Your Instagram Stories

Directly from Instagram App

Instagram has made it incredibly easy to add music to Instagram stories. You can do this directly from the Instagram app. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap on the camera icon at the top left corner to create a new story.
  2. Capture or upload the photo or video you want to add music to.
  3. Tap on the sticker icon at the top of the screen and select the music sticker.
  4. Search for the song you want in the music library and select the part of the song you want to play.
  5. Once you’ve selected your music, you can adjust the duration and placement of the sticker on your story.

Remember, the music feature is only available in certain countries, so make sure it’s available in your region.

Without Using Stickers

But what if you want to add music to your Instagram stories without stickers? There’s a way to do that too. You can use external apps to add music to your videos before uploading them to Instagram. Here are the steps:

  1. Choose a video editing app that allows you to add music to your videos. Some popular options include InShot, VivaVideo, and Quik.
  2. Import the video you want to add music to into the app.
  3. Select the music feature in the app and choose the song you want from your music library.
  4. Save the video with the music and upload it to your IG story.

This method is a bit more time-consuming, but it gives you more control over the music and doesn’t require the use of stickers.

Using Instagram Music Sticker

The Instagram music sticker is a fun and easy way to add music to your Instagram stories. Here’s how to use it:

  1. After you’ve taken or uploaded a photo or video to your story, tap on the sticker icon at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the sticker from the sticker tray.
  3. Search for the song you want to add. You can search by song title, artist, or even browse by mood or genre.
  4. Once you’ve found the song you want, you can choose the specific part of the song you want to play in your story.
  5. You can also decide how you want the sticker to appear in your story. You can choose to display the song title and artist, show the lyrics, or even hide the sticker completely.

Remember, the music sticker is only available in certain countries, so make sure it’s available in your region.

In 2023, Instagram introduced a new feature that allows users to share music from their favorite streaming apps, like Apple Music and Spotify, directly to their Insta stories. This feature is a great way to share your favorite songs with your followers and add a personal touch to your stories.

As an avid Instagram user, I’ve found these methods incredibly useful. I remember when I first tried to add music to my IG story. I was planning a surprise birthday party for my best friend and wanted to create a countdown story with her favorite song playing in the background. However, I didn’t want the lyrics or the music sticker to distract from the message. After some trial and error, I was able to add the song without the lyrics using the Insta music sticker. It was a hit among our friends and added a special touch to the surprise party.

According to a 2023 report by Statista, Instagram has over 1 billion active users worldwide, and more than 500 million of them use Insta Stories every day. This makes Stories a powerful tool for personal expression and brand marketing. Adding music to your stories can make them more engaging and help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

In conclusion, adding music to your Insta stories is a fun and effective way to enhance your storytelling and engage with your audience. Whether you choose to use the Instagram music sticker or add music without stickers, you now have the knowledge and tools to make your stories stand out. So go ahead, try it, and let your stories sing!

Adding Music to Instagram Stories via Streaming Apps


Adding music to your Instagram stories from Spotify is a breeze. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Spotify app and find the song you want to add to your Instagram story.
  2. Tap on the ‘…’ icon next to the song and select ‘Share’.
  3. From the share options, select ‘Instagram Stories’.
  4. This will open your Instagram app with the song ready to be added to your story. You can then customize your story as you wish.

Remember, the song will play as a preview, and your viewers can tap on the ‘Play on Spotify’ option to listen to the full song. This is a great way to share music and your musical taste with your followers.

Apple Music

If you’re an Apple Music user, you can also add music to your Insta stories. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Apple Music app and find the song you wish to add.
  2. Tap on the ‘…’ icon next to the song and select ‘Share’.
  3. From the share options, select ‘Instagram Stories’.
  4. This will open your Instagram app with the song ready to be added to your story. You can then customize your story as you wish.

Just like with Spotify, the song will play as a preview, and your viewers can tap on the ‘Play on Apple Music’ option to listen to the full song. This is a fantastic way to add music to your Instagram stories and share your favorite tunes.


SoundCloud is another popular music streaming platform that you can use to add music to your Insta stories. Here’s how:

  1. Open the SoundCloud app and find the song.
  2. Tap on the ‘Share’ icon below the song and select ‘Share to Instagram Stories’.
  3. This will open your Instagram app with the song ready to be added to your story. You can then customize your story as you wish.

Again, the song will play as a preview, and your viewers can tap on the ‘Play on SoundCloud’ option to listen to the full song. This is a great way to share your favorite SoundCloud tracks and add music on Instagram stories.

share your favorite SoundCloud tracks and add music on Instagram stories.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Music Sticker is Not Showing

One common issue that Instagram users face is the music sticker not showing up in the sticker tray. This can be due to several reasons:

  1. Your Instagram app is not updated to the latest version. Try updating your app.
  2. The music feature is not available in your region. Unfortunately, due to licensing restrictions, Instagram’s music feature is unavailable in all countries.
  3. You’re using a business or creator account. The music feature is unavailable for these accounts due to copyright issues.

If you can’t find the music sticker despite trying these solutions, you can try adding music to your stories using external apps as we discussed earlier.

Music Feature Not Available in Certain Countries

As mentioned earlier, Instagram’s music feature is not available in all countries. This is due to licensing restrictions. If you’re in a country where Instagram music stickers are not available, you can try using VPN services to access the feature. However, please note that this might violate Instagram’s terms of service.

External apps can add music to your stories, as discussed in the ‘Without Using Stickers’ section. This way, you can still add music to your stories even if the Insta music stickers are available in your region.

Remember, Instagram is constantly working on expanding its features to more regions, so the music feature might become available in your country in the future. Keep your app updated to enjoy the latest features.

In conclusion, adding music to your IG stories is a fun and creative way to express yourself and engage with your followers. Whether you’re using the music sticker, adding music without stickers, or sharing music from your favorite streaming apps, you now have the knowledge and tools to make your stories stand out. So go ahead, give it a try, and let your stories sing!

Tips and Tricks for Adding Music to Instagram Stories

Creating Engaging Stories with Music

Music can significantly enhance the appeal of your Insta stories. Here are some tips on how to effectively use music in your stories:

  1. Choose a song that matches the mood of your story. Whether it’s a happy, sad, or exciting moment, the right song can help convey your emotions more effectively.
  2. Use the lyrics of a song to tell a story. With the music feature, you can choose to display the lyrics of a song on your story. This can add a narrative element to your story and make it more engaging.
  3. Experiment with different parts of a song. You don’t have to stick to the beginning of a song. Try using the chorus or a particularly impactful verse to make your story stand out.

Remember, the key to adding a music sticker and creating engaging stories with music is to be creative and authentic.

Adding a music sticker to Instagram Stories

Hiding the Music Sticker

Sometimes, you might want to add music to your story without displaying the music sticker. Here’s how you can hide this sticker in your stories:

  1. After adding the sticker to your story, tap on it to open the editing options.
  2. Pinch the sticker with two fingers to reduce its size. You can make it as small as you want.
  3. Drag the sticker to the edge of the screen until it’s completely hidden.

This way, your viewers will hear the music but won’t see the sticker. It’s a neat trick to keep your story visually clean while still adding a musical element.

A case study by Social Media Today showed that Insta stories with music had a 20% higher engagement rate than those without. The study followed an up-and-coming fashion brand that started adding music to their stories. They found that their engagement rate increased, and their followers also spent more time viewing their stories. This goes to show the power of music in enhancing the IG story experience.

Adding music to Insta stories has been a game-changer for me. As a travel blogger, I often share snippets of my adventures on Instagram. Adding music to these stories has allowed me to create a more immersive experience for my followers. For instance, during a recent trip to Spain, I added a flamenco track to a video of a local dance performance. This enhanced the viewing experience and helped convey the place’s vibrant culture and energy.


Adding music to your stories is not just a fun activity, it’s a creative way to breathe life into your narratives. Whether you’re using the music sticker, adding music without it, or sharing tunes from your favorite streaming apps, you now possess the know-how to make your stories truly resonate.

From story videos to IG stories, you’ve learned how to add music that perfectly complements your content. You’ve mastered the art of tapping the music sticker icon, choosing the music of your choice, and even hiding the sticker if you prefer a cleaner look.

You’ve discovered how to add a song’s lyrics to your stories or opt for a lyrics-free Instagram story if that’s more your style. You’ve explored how to add music to your photos, making your Instagram posts even more engaging.

You’ve learned how to navigate the music search bar, ensuring that the music continues to play throughout your story, creating a seamless audiovisual experience for your viewers. You’ve even figured out how to add music to Instagram without the need for a sticker, offering a more streamlined aesthetic.

So, whether you’re looking to put music on an Instagram story video or simply want to enhance a photo post with a catchy tune, you’re well-equipped to do so.

So go ahead, give it a try, and let your stories sing! Remember, the key is to be authentic and creative. Whether you’re sharing a behind-the-scenes video to your Instagram or crafting a detailed Instagram story post, the power of music is now at your fingertips.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, explore the music options Instagram has introduced, and let your creativity flow. Remember, the size of the sticker doesn’t matter, it’s the feel of the story that truly counts.

Whether your music continues to play subtly in the background or takes center stage, it’s all about creating an engaging, memorable experience for your audience. So, let your stories sing, let your creativity shine, and most importantly, enjoy the process. Happy Instagramming!

Adding music to an Instagram story

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I add music to my Instagram story if the song isn’t in the Instagram music library?

If you can’t find the song you want in the Instagram music library, you can play the song from another device while recording your Story video. Just make sure the music is playing loud enough to be picked up by your phone’s microphone. This way, you can add any music of your choice to your IG stories.

Can I add music to an Instagram story without it playing over my video’s original audio?

Adding music to an Story using the music sticker will play over your video’s original audio. However, if you want to keep the original audio and have the music play in the background, you can lower the volume of the sticker by tapping it and adjusting the volume slider.

How do I add music to my Instagram story and tap the sticker icon if it’s not showing up?

If you can’t see the sticker icon when creating an Instagram story, make sure you have the latest version of the Instagram app installed. If the icon still isn’t showing up, try closing and reopening the app or restarting your phone. If all else fails, you may need to contact Instagram support for help.

Can I add music to my Instagram story without lyrics appearing on the screen?

Yes, you can add music to your Insta story without lyrics appearing on the screen. When you select a song using the music sticker, you can tap the lyrics to hide them. This way, you can have the music play without any lyrics showing up on your story.

How do I change the color of the music sticker on my Instagram story?

To change the color of the music sticker on your Insta story, tap it after adding it to your story. You’ll see a color palette appear at the top of the screen. Tap the color you want to use, and the sticker will change to that color.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

As a seasoned author and communication expert, Ellen specializes in Instagram with a deep understanding of the platform. Her expertise has enabled her to produce captivating and impactful content for both businesses and individuals.

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